Serve at River Hills
There are many opportunities to serve within the community of River Hills. We want you to find one that best suits your passion, personality and availability. And don’t worry, we’ll train you for whatever your area of interest may be.
Volunteer at RHCC
Serve Our Community
Real need is all around us and you can help! Many opportunities are not long-term commitments. You can help as you’re able, serving one time or over and over again. Want to serve with your whole family, kids included? Consider starting with one of our community partners: Miami Milford Ministries, Impacting Tomorrow, Hands Against Hunger, or Matthew 25 Ministries. Click on the button below and fill out the outreach form. We’ll contact you soon to help you get plugged in to serving our community!
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Serve the World
Take a trip to bless the world! Use your experience and talents to help people and share Jesus.
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